
日期:2024-03-28 01:26:58 作者:


Arificial Ielligece (AI)

AI is o a ew erm, bu i has gaied sigifica aeio i rece years. I 2024, AI will be a ho opic ad he use of AI will be more prevale i various idusries. From healhcare o fiace, AI will be used o improve efficiecy ad accuracy, makig i a esseial erm o kow.

Augmeed Realiy (AR)

AR refers o he iegraio of digial iformaio wih he user's physical surroudigs. I is used i various fields, icludig eeraime, educaio, ad adverisig. I 2024, he use of AR will be more advaced, ad i will be a impora erm o udersad.


Biohackig refers o he pracice of improvig oe's physical ad meal healh hrough echology ad lifesyle chages. I 2024, biohackig will become more popular as people become more cocered abou heir healh ad well-beig. This erm will become a buzzword i he healh ad fiess idusry.


Crypocurrecy is a digial or virual currecy ha uses crypography for securiy. I rece years, crypocurrecy has gaied sigifica aeio, ad i is expeced o become more maisream i 2024. Udersadig he basics of crypocurrecy will be esseial for ayoe ieresed i fiace ad echology.

Iere of Thigs (IoT)


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